Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 1  Assignment 5:

I think the best description by the author's daughter was for "The Great Gatsby,"

"I think it's a book about a haunted theme park and it stars a magical magic guy and he's good and evil and he's trying to get rid of the ghosts."

Sounds about right!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Week 1  Assignment 4

I am picking the EarlyWord sight for recommended reading.  I like the way it is set up with the most recent releases easily seen and I also love the list of prize winners as well.  I often look for National Book Award and Booker Prize winners when I am in search of a good read.

I am also going to follow the Mystery Readers International sight.  I enjoy mysteries but am not always sure what to read and I think this will provide me with some good reads.
Week 1  Assignment 3

Read, Read, Read!  Immerse Yourself in the Moment!  These are good words to remember.  Books are personal, create ideas and conversations between strangers and can lead one down a path to a new book, author and way to look at the world!  This RA list is a great reminder of why I love books and working at a Public Library.
Week 1  Assignment 2

This exercise was a good reminder for me to look more closely at book covers.  That probably sounds obvious, especially since we are all big(!) readers, but, with new genre's appearing, ie Urban Fiction, I will take a second look as I move through our collections.
Week 1:  Assignment 1

I enjoyed both the Adult and Children's book cover quiz.  I surprised myself at how many I could identify.  It would be better, though, if the whole cover was featured instead of just small parts,  especially with the Children's covers.